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My Pregnancy with Baby Number 2..

Pregnancy with a toddler ...

Now I will start off by saying my first pregnancy was a breeze for me, loved having my days where I could just take a nap when ever I wanted or just be lazy on the couch not having to get up for one second .. unless it was to eat or pee of course. This time around was a completely different ball game and don't get me wrong I am enjoying every minute of it I just never knew having a toddler along with it can make you feel so exhausted. I do mean that in the very best way possible though don't get me wrong I love including Dallas when "Baby brother" is kicking and when I read or sing or count to him he finds it funny and all though he might be to little to understand whats going on I feel its always best to just keep positive and happy about the baby I will admit I do get scared from time to time because there is always that one fear of Dallas feeling left out or me not spoiling my first baby anymore and the one thing I don't want him to feel is that mommy forgot about him. I know.. Its an awful thing to say, but those are the thoughts that tend to wander in the back of my mind and I am keeping better at it making sure Dallas is happy always letting him know that mommy loves him I have noticed some funny behavior going on with him, knowing that brother is going to be here soon he has wanted me to baby him so much more these days and when I say lately I'm exhausted I am very  exhausted.
These past few days my husband was out of town and It was just me and Dallas all weekend which was fun we got to spend time with grandma, play and pick out some cool Halloween décor which he loved to do, and I did enjoy it but I also noticed my son wanted my attention so much more as well and the crying was becoming more excessive and the whining dear baby Jesus the whining. I know toddlers whine but this was different along with the fake tears. Dallas has always been that independent baby boy who wanted to do things on his own and be wild which I found odd when one day I gave him breakfast and he asked me "Mommy can you do the airplane?" what?? never had he asked me to do that and I have not done the "choo choo" or "airplane" in a while like probably since he was 18 months old I was very surprised when he asked me but I couldn't say no, and there I was making noises and he found it very funny and that's all that mattered to me that my son was happy. The next few hours I started googling the behavior because I feel that's what every mom does and I learned it was a toddlers way of noticing something different was happening and that they want attention. A little part of me got scared but then I knew I just had to show him my attention because 10 weeks is all we have together he will no longer be my only one he will be my first baby big boy.
I told myself even though I might be a little tired due to the 1am bedtimes lately that I would spend time with him so much more but not just playing at home but taking him to have playdates with his cousins and going crazy at the park with his friends yes I'm tired but my Big boy is happy and me pushing him on the swing and seeing that beautiful smile shows me and reminds me how happy my son is and that's what counts, I want to let him know that mommy loves him to the moon and back even though he drives me we had a play day with his cousins and the drive home knocked him out for the night which was awesome because I had time to actually sit and watch a movie with my husband with out getting up and down every so often, today I also had time to do literally a 20 minute photoshoot while all the kids were in the room jumping on the bed and wrestling with each other my sister n law had captured some very cute photos for me and I wanted to do something a little different something cozy and incorporate Dallas in and that's exactly what she did I was very pleased and after editing this is what we got from today. 
I wanted the pictures to say I'm brother and I'm proud and make it fun if you only knew what was going on behind the scenes with all the candy and jumping on the bed and damn it was hot in that room lol that's why this little mini session took 20 minutes but look at those pictures I'm in love with the outcome and every mom photographer knows you gotta work quick with these kids!! I wouldn't have it any other way craziness and all. I want to be the best mom I can be and not only just spoiling him but just giving him my undivided attention and showing him I'm here for him sometimes I wont have time for morning cuddles anymore or maybe dancing in the playroom but mom will always have time to LOVE her Big Boy..


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