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Fitness must haves that hype me up

Hey everyone!! Okay I wanted to write about what my must haves for the gym are because last time I went I noticed more women though that they had a bag or something along with them I honestly don’t use lockers at my gym I’d rather throw everything in my backpack and just go but I don’t carry a million things just a few and one starting lately is my pre workout!!! I was always so scared to try because I have heard many people tell me it’s so intense and it makes your heart race but recently my first pre workout has been from sweet sweat and it’s amazing I use half a scoop only!!! That’s all I need and I’m seriously sweating my ass off  and I’m focused and most of all there’s no crash and I feel like I kill it every time! It taste like fruit punch and goes down easy too nothing gross but within minutes after drinking  I start to feel the focus coming in, Product number two!! My waist trainer!! Ok now when I was like three to four months post baby I wore these like cray and I was excited to use mine while working out this thing not only made me sweat but tightened up everything!!! I noticed a big difference in my waist loosing inches and the bloat being gone  I would take it off during my workout and the drops of sweat would fall off my body also when paired with the sweet sweat gel it makes you sweat more!! And btw I’m not in anyway paid by them haha I’m just obsessed  with they’re stuff because it works !! A while back I won a contest by them and  I was already a fan  before but after using more of these products it helped me with my journey even more. Now moving forward with product number three!!! My gloves!! I always have them in the bag because I do not want nasty hands or blisters from lifting  and I paid like $5 for them at five below work like a charm also I always keep one heavy resistance band in my bag to add a little kick to my workout! Those things burn and have seriously helped with not getting bored at the gym and besides my wallet that’s all I take with me I should invest in some headphones because believe it or not I don’t use them. I need to be able to listen and pay attention to things that are around me or I start over thinking ( something I have mentioned in my post before) I will look into it who knows maybe I will step outside my comfort zone haha

Aside from those things I forgot to mention my trusty Fitbit I have an older version my mom gave me and I love it I feel since having it that it has kept me in line and pushed me just a little bit more and I love when I see the calories I have burned  I usually time myself I don’t leave unless I get a 45- 60 plus minute workout because I need to feel that sweat and my heart racing for a while before  I feel like ok I’m really working my body out and another thing I have two children that I can’t leave forever with the sitter if I could I would stay for like over an hour five days a week but I’m lucky if I can get four in some of those days I actually run with the kids so I’m boosting up my cardio which is great  everyone is different and prefers they’re methods of working out a lot of people like working out at home which I hate because I go to clear my mind so kudos to those who enjoy at home workouts I got slapped by my son with a resistance band... while doing lower body.. great! So like I said amazing to those who can!! Don’t get me wrong eathier I’m also human and there comes days I am mentally exhausted and drained and I just don’t feel like being in the mood and I have noticed when I put on cute workout attire it pumps me up even more! And  there’s those brands like gym shark and other cute ones I have seen but I’m a cheap ass and .. Marshall’s in my best friend because I can buy $90 worth of  clothes and  it will be a big ass bag full the last time I went there I bought so much stuff sports bras shirts workout pants workout sweater hey maybe I will do a haul..but the whole point is to find that one thing that hypes you up!! Whether it be a new bra, shoes or preworkout   It can honestly be anything I pack a few items in my bag and I feel like I can conquer the world .. my question for you is what is that one thing that makes you get up and do it?? What drives you to your goals? What holds you back? I feel a big part is stepping out the comfort zone  little by little I’m getting there and  taking baby steps is a big part of the process :)


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