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Showing posts from March, 2019

Fitness must haves that hype me up

Hey everyone!! Okay I wanted to write about what my must haves for the gym are because last time I went I noticed more women though that they had a bag or something along with them I honestly don’t use lockers at my gym I’d rather throw everything in my backpack and just go but I don’t carry a million things just a few and one starting lately is my pre workout!!! I was always so scared to try because I have heard many people tell me it’s so intense and it makes your heart race but recently my first pre workout has been from sweet sweat and it’s amazing I use half a scoop only!!! That’s all I need and I’m seriously sweating my ass off  and I’m focused and most of all there’s no crash and I feel like I kill it every time! It taste like fruit punch and goes down easy too nothing gross but within minutes after drinking  I start to feel the focus coming in, Product number two!! My waist trainer!! Ok now when I was like three to four months post baby I wore these like cray and ...

Brothers or enemies?

So being a mother of two is crazy but I enjoy my boys tough but they have my heart this past year I have noticed that being brothers is hard for Dallas and it makes me sad. I have always envisioned a beautiful relationship between my kids being close to each other having ones back and yes I know it’s still to early for that but it stresses me out seeing Dallas push his brother away when all Zayn wants to do is play and hug and love him, then again they are boys so maybe it’s different with males who knows?? I’m still new at this haha anywho sharing has been a big problem in the house and it’s with anything cars books food so help me a damn rug (not kidding) and it could be a form of jealousy but I’m always comparing which is a terrible thing to do I see my friends kids getting along and I feel like I’m doing something wrong what should I be doing?? Like is there a sharing method I don’t know about? Am I saying things wrong?? You have no idea the things that roll through my head when I...

What inspired me to be fit

What inspired me to be fit Today at 10:50 AM I have gotten asked “how did you do it?” Or “ what do you even eat?” “When do you have the time?” So many times and honestly I make the time and I will tell you why being a mother is beautiful but along with it comes an part where it’s not always rainbow and butterflies and you turn into monster mom where you end up catching yourself in public places acting a hotness with your kid and quite honestly that stress me out .. literally. I started getting anxiety much more after I had my second child I believe it’s the birth control I’m using but then again (tmi) before I had children I had anxiety as well but there were times I was sitting on the couch and I would end up crying to my husband about fears I had and it started to bother me. I was three months post baby when I looked in the mirror and did not like what I saw with Dallas I was able to snap back so quickly (my first baby) this time was a bit harder and I thought in my head w...