Hey everyone!! Okay I wanted to write about what my must haves for the gym are because last time I went I noticed more women though that they had a bag or something along with them I honestly don’t use lockers at my gym I’d rather throw everything in my backpack and just go but I don’t carry a million things just a few and one starting lately is my pre workout!!! I was always so scared to try because I have heard many people tell me it’s so intense and it makes your heart race but recently my first pre workout has been from sweet sweat and it’s amazing I use half a scoop only!!! That’s all I need and I’m seriously sweating my ass off and I’m focused and most of all there’s no crash and I feel like I kill it every time! It taste like fruit punch and goes down easy too nothing gross but within minutes after drinking I start to feel the focus coming in, Product number two!! My waist trainer!! Ok now when I was like three to four months post baby I wore these like cray and ...
The day I first became a mother I knew that this was the day life would change forever and boy has it changed for me..from sleepless nights to those touching moments that I will cherish forever. Its never easy but my I will try my best as a Mom to do what I can to make you happy and guide you..My goal? To make life an adventure in anyway I can and let my audience step into my world and not only see the beauty of being a mother but the realness as well.