So being a mother of two is crazy but I enjoy my boys tough but they have my heart this past year I have noticed that being brothers is hard for Dallas and it makes me sad. I have always envisioned a beautiful relationship between my kids being close to each other having ones back and yes I know it’s still to early for that but it stresses me out seeing Dallas push his brother away when all Zayn wants to do is play and hug and love him, then again they are boys so maybe it’s different with males who knows?? I’m still new at this haha anywho sharing has been a big problem in the house and it’s with anything cars books food so help me a damn rug (not kidding) and it could be a form of jealousy but I’m always comparing which is a terrible thing to do I see my friends kids getting along and I feel like I’m doing something wrong what should I be doing?? Like is there a sharing method I don’t know about? Am I saying things wrong?? You have no idea the things that roll through my head when I see them yelling or screaming or crying over toys it makes me feel like a bad mom sometimes.
These little fits happen through out the day over and over again but little Zayn is a little trouble maker too hitting his brother and and throwing and stomping on all the toys like a tiny Godzilla and it gets Dallas so upset to the point he’s almost in tears and what makes it crazy for being a year old Zayn laughs and at this point I’m thinking what the Hell is going on like I feel like those crazy moms in the movies, these are things we are working on I’m praying too that eventually they will love each other so much. My brother and I growing up we’re so close that was my first baby I enjoyed going places with him and I was ten years older but then again we are different genders hmm does that play a factor?? Or naw?
Yesterday we played outside for the first time in a while cause the weather sucked.. but I saw these two playing together which is rare and I had to bust out my camera because it was adorable he was getting pushed by Dallasin the car because Zayn wasn’t able to reach the pedal so maybe sometimes they will get along it was cute seeing them smile and play was it a short period of time ?? yes! But I appreciated every moment of it please feel free to shoot me some proper sharing methods with out loosing it haha Mama needs all the help she can get but with that being said I pray this is just a little bump and they grow to be closer than ever.
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