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What inspired me to be fit

I have gotten asked “how did you do it?” Or “ what do you even eat?” “When do you have the time?” So many times and honestly I make the time and I will tell you why being a mother is beautiful but along with it comes an part where it’s not always rainbow and butterflies and you turn into monster mom where you end up catching yourself in public places acting a hotness with your kid and quite honestly that stress me out .. literally. I started getting anxiety much more after I had my second child I believe it’s the birth control I’m using but then again (tmi) before I had children I had anxiety as well but there were times I was sitting on the couch and I would end up crying to my husband about fears I had and it started to bother me. I was three months post baby when I looked in the mirror and did not like what I saw with Dallas I was able to snap back so quickly (my first baby) this time was a bit harder and I thought in my head wait I’m breastfeeding why aren’t I dropping weight fast enough? It was a mixture of feeling ugly scared so many mixed emotions so one day I got a group on to fit body boot camp where I met some amazing coaches and people I started with my brother and got a lot of support it was amazing and even though those workouts were thirty minutes I walked out sore!!! Sweaty!! And I felt accomplished liked I did something right!
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There was something about my heart racing and the sweat dripping down my face that gave me so much push and motivation to do more I eventually put it in my head that I was sweating out all my negative energy and the more I went the better I felt mentally and physically. 25 pounds lighter now and doing workouts solo at a regular gym and still finding joy in working out, nutrition. Is also key in your healthy lifestyle also I don’t deprive myself of food I just make better choices and with two little ones running around I need to eat to keep my energy up. I’ve noticed deep changes in my body developed muscle and I’m smaller than I was before I had Dallas lol crazy but I also have noticed that I have a lot of energy I’m getting less anxiety and sleep better it’s honestly hard leaving the kids though I feel bad when I drop them off but I am lucky to have support from my mom and mother n law who help me watch them while I’m going crazy at the gym I need that hour for myself.
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While Dallas is at school I’ve been running with the baby in the stroller and adding more cardio has been amazing it’s my time to think deal with my public paranoia another topic I will soon discuss and made me feel so good and it gets the baby out the house to see something different moms I cannot stress this enough get out the house especially the stay at home moms because staying indoors will drive you nuts!!! So what drove me to be healthy??? My mental health has a lot to do with it to be honest but working out has given me something to enjoy to help me better myself and be able to be crazy with my kids. (These pictures were taken yesterday) I took Dallas on a three mile run /walk and it was fun and after celebrated with frozen yogurt so it doesn’t have to be a gym where you can be healthy it can be a park or a trail but I’m excited to be posting more about my journey and what life has to throw at me.


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