I thought I would post something a little different because we are only human and with that comes challenges that we may not know how to face some days, and its always good to practice something amazing daily. When I was 17 years old I remember watching an episode of Oprah and she had guest on her show talking about "The secret" also known as the law of attraction at the time my mom was all about it and I decided to do it with her and from then I learned how to use it toward many things we got books on it and my mom would highlight information in the book, and we would have these notebooks in the house with our goals listed and what we wanted for the next few months but honestly anyone could write down anything they want, you have to learn how to really "feel" for it and I will explain to you what that means later on.
Now 28 years old I still practice it I know there is a lot of people out there who don't believe in it but this is what helps me keep everything in line and I will admit lately I have been a little on the negative side not having enough patience (that word again..) or just getting upset about little things so I woke up this morning and started practicing my therapy, Its really easy trust me and you can apply it to everyday life that's the magic of it.
I got this book because I personally feel it gets me pumped up and going and in a better understanding of the secret so when I start I know exactly what it is that I want to attract in my life. I start my morning by writing 10 things I am grateful for but as I am writing them down I give myself a minute to think why it is that I adore this for example: 1.) I am grateful for the almighty father being by my side always and giving me strength and countless blessings everyday.
while I am writing this I am feeling the pure love come out of me and remembering just the amazing things that have happened to me this year and then the smile comes across my face you need to be able to "FEEL" the emotion of happiness flowing through you
"If you see it in your mind.. you will see it in your hand." That's one exercise you can practice daily to help get your day started.
After doing this for a few days I started to appreciate what was around me and even my attitude was changing for the better and little by little I was doing things to help me align myself with positivity like meditation, I found it most easy when Dallas would nap. I would go on YouTube and search law of attraction mediation there was one I would listen to everyday and it made me feel great after wards I posted the Link so you can try it!
There is also a Netflix documentary on this as well to get a better understanding of the secret, but back on track after finally mastering this I found I started attracting things in my life that I wanted
like my camera and my recent purchase of my laptop or my floors being redone I would already imagine myself with these thing in life and how happy they would make me and here they are.. of course in my thoughts money was no object now be careful because this could have an opposite affect as well. Have you ever had a really bad day and got home and just thought about all the horrible things that have happened to you and more things keep happening?? Its because you are attracting things to the universe and its like a boomerang what you throw in comes right back at you so be cautious at what you attract always have a list of your goals and carry them on you if its in your phone a piece of paper tape it to the ceiling look at them every night before your in bed dream about what you want.
You can honestly live the life that you want practicing good positivity will help you get to where you want to be..If your reading this and your in a situation that needs to be more of a positive experience for you take some time and try these ideas and stick to them soon you will see what good this can do for you and your family
Id like to see what some of your goals are comment or even follow me on twitter
@Evas crazyworld send me your goals
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