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Meeting Zoey..

Zoeys Photoshoot Experience..

Today I met my friends new daughter for the first time and I had promised I would take her newborn photos which I love to do as a hobby and it was such a crazy experience but it brought back so many memories when Dallas was a baby mind you though the photoshoot was at my house and  Dallas was at home during the shoot who he had entertained my friend and her husband for a while It was pretty hard taking pictures while he was trying to help out applying pillows and giving the baby a blanket while she was posed on her belly or the banging of the toys waking the baby up but something that would have taken me a short time took a little while longer because of Dallas but its ok it was experience that I learned and now looking at my calm son sitting on the couch I cant really be going crazy on him considering he just wanted attention something I should be really prepared for come December because I know its only going to get worse and till then my job is to give him the attention he needs but other than that usually when I have taken pictures of newborns in the past they usually don't like being touched and having outfit changes but Zoey did amazing when she became a little fussy all I had to do was put a pacifier in her mouth and she was fast asleep again she was such an angel and I am glad I was able to do a photoshoot for her while I was holding her I began to get some flashbacks to when Dallas was a baby like the bottle feeding and the noise they make when they are gulping the milk (I know I'm weird) but I love that noise Dallas as a bay was difficult and he loved to eat and during his feedings when he wasn't crying is when I would notice little habits of his like the position of his hands while he fed and the noises and the smell of newborn, who doesn't love the smell of newborn baby???
Deep down I was excited because I know I'm going to experience this soon again and not only will I have my new baby but I will have my big boy to share this experience with and I loved the concept of Dallas trying to help even though that's what made the shoot a little hard I thought maybe it wont be that bad?? I mean I hear stories of how hard it is having a toddler and a newborn but I mean they need to see and know that its going to be so much fun having a sibling and a conversation I had with Zoeys mommy was when Dad go's back to work its going to be scary to juggle both but honestly if you think about it  not only are the older siblings learning but the moms are still learning and super scared as well but eventually we become pros and start to do things on our own with a routine that best fits us. It always go's through my mind on how to juggle both children or how my sleep will be or even the house will it remain clean or become a disaster???..sure enough I will know these things soon but being scared and negative about it isn't going to help so the best thing to do is just stay excited about my new baby and just go with the flow..Dallas is going to love his brother and we are going to teach him everything about love and having to SHARE (every kids worst nightmare) at the end of the day all we want as parents is for our kids to grow up together and give them the best life they can have. It was pretty cute seeing Dallas trying to help before I had to tell him to play in his room but other than him trying to play literally beside the posed baby lol I know it was a call for attention.
I took captured some beautiful shots of Zoey and I am still practicing my posing and camera settings and all that fun stuff I was very happy with these pictures and how they came out Zoeys big sister was watching everything as well and seeing the way she wanted attention just reminded me its going to be ok and its a part of the new sibling process at the end of the shoot I saw her kissing her baby sister and just like I said there will be bumps in the road but she Loves her baby sister and will continue to create a bond with each other and cherish the memories growing up. Later on after everyone left it was just me and Dallas and we cleaned up the toys and he was helping me pick up the baby costumes he would hand them to me and tell me its my baby brother's mom using the words baby brother gets me happy and after playing and watching movies eating grapes he took a nap and my husband got home from work and Dallas got up right away..he didn't want daddy he wanted mommy and things like this remind me I'm not doing a bad job because my baby loves me and misses me even after a nap.


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