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This is me..Evelyn

My name is Evelyn.. also known as "Mommy" ,"Mom" and  "Babe" but I'm glad you came across my page!(so exciting) so let me tell you a little bit about myself.. I am the oldest of three children I also am the only girl and a mamas girl I have two younger brothers who one was born with autism and is way bigger than me I call him my little big ass brother or destructo, you will see why in the future :)
My youngest baby brother just graduated from high school and is babied by the world including myself.. But most importantly Me.. Myself??? Something amazing happened to me November 8,2014 ..well I became a mother. The moment Dallas was placed in my arms I couldn't be any happier I was still in shock, this baby was all mine...he came out of me??? (seriously though those were the thoughts going through my head) but besides that I was in Love, never had I felt anything so beautiful in my entire life the moment he was placed in my arms and forever I will cherish that moment. Now fast forward two years later...Damn!! I recalled or read something about the terrible twos but honestly never thought it was going to be this hard, and that's when I decided after sleepless nights, spills and giggles that I should document my life, for those working moms to the single ones and the stay at home we are all the same and have the amazing days and the not so amazing days our job is to make our children happy and be real about it! Now preggo with baby number two I know my world is about to change and this time I'm nervous but extremely happy for our new addition. I not only plan to document my mom life but I am a beauty junkie, and a not so great cook( willing to learn people work with me) hey I know I'm not the only one lol.  I picked up something that I truly wanted to concentrate on and I am not a professional, but its something I'm still working with I enjoy taking pictures of babies and children you will see in the future more of my work with that said I hope you stop by and continue to read about "My CRAZY life"


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