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The day I became a mother of two

December 5,2017 is the day my life changed ..again but in so many different ways this whole pregnancy was a little harder for me not medically but because I literally was chasing after a toddler the whole time and not just some normal toddler this is Dallas ..come on so I was on my feet the whole time which was a good thing considering I didn't get super huge like I did the first time around and he kept me pretty active and I took advantage of all the sleeping in and nap times because I was mentally preparing for the sleepless nights but other than that everything ran pretty smoothly I wasn't able to blog toward the end only because we had so much family over visiting from out of state just to be here for the baby shower t was honestly amazing and my mother in law threw me such a beautiful party my husband and I are truly so blessed and our baby was so spoiled with love.
As the due date started getting close I felt myself getting nervous not for a new baby coming because I was beyond excited but for things getting prepared in the house like being organized like his room and closet I swear to you I organized all of our closets and cleaned up and down til this baby got here because the last thing I wanted to do was come home to a dirty house and be sleep deprived nope wasn't going to happen. My husband and I prepared our cars and got the car seats ready also making countless trips to Target to get items we needed for the house or baby and cant forget our hospital bag.
The doctor appointments started getting closer and soon enough it was that time where it came to examine me I was expecting to at least be two centimeters or on my way to three after walking all weekend at the mall and being active, at my previous appointment I was told to be active to see if I would go into labor on my own if not I was going to be induced to the baby being over eight pounds already mind you my due date was December 17 so I still had two weeks to go, but honestly I didn't want to be induced so I tried everything to go into labor but I was told I was only 1 cm which was a bummer and the doctor put me down for induction that night so I prepared myself and continued to be active and clean my house make sure everything was packed and take the longest nap in my life and enjoy the last hours with Dallas being an only child, my mom showed up and Jonathan got off of work and we went to the hospital where I found out I was already three going on four cm which I did not need to be induced! From then on everything went pretty smooth I mean being in labor hurts mind you the contractions were very painful..obviously but I took the pain very well until epidural got there and I literally had the epidural for about an hour and was ready to push it was honestly so easy and painless and he was here in thirty minutes of pushing that moment I heard my baby cry was the most beautiful noise and to see the baby put on me was an amazing experience I cried and smiled at the same time and the look on my husbands face was priceless I was in pure bliss and loved every moment of it. 
Zayn Eli Hernandez was born December 5, 2017 at 11:36 am weighing in at 8 lbs 4 oz and 19 inches long

Zayn has been such a good baby I truly am so grateful and blessed everything has been running so smoothly and I'm able to nurse him and sleep at night he literally only cries when he is hungry and lets me sleep I thank God everyday for blessing me with my boys ..Dallas is still adjusting to baby brother being home which has caused his behavior to become a little bit more crazy than usual which me and my husband are trying to find ways right now to handle his behavior and I was that mom who gave her kid the phone to watch youtube just so he could sit down for a bit but recently I have cut him from phones and ipads we are looking for another sport to put him in and looking to be more active and watch less T.V now I'm not saying I wont ever give it to him but for long car rides I feel its ok , I just feel he was watching and learning to many things I didn't like on certain channels and I couldn't keep up with all the channels he was watching and after certain things he was beginning to say and a conversation with his pediatrician Its time to take it away its been difficult for him to understand why he cant have the phone and I know he will soon forget about it and we can conquer being active and letting out his wiggles at the park or a sport. He will soon understand how awesome it is to have a sibling and I want him to be that brother who spends time with his baby brother having fun making memories not glued to the phone this is my choice and better I caught it early then him being addicted.
Balancing both Zayn and Dallas has been a little hard I'm glad my husband is home for a month to help me and get used to things but other than that everything is amazing and yes I know there is going to be challenges along the way but its things I will learn and soon be able to manage on my own when Jonathan does go back to work. For now I'm enjoying every minute with my family and focusing on my kids and getting this body prepared to shrink back to size which its already on its way loosing 20 lbs in a week so more positivity heading my way and enjoying being a mother of two boys.


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