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Showing posts from October, 2017

Meeting Zoey..

Zoeys Photoshoot Experience.. Today I met my friends new daughter for the first time and I had promised I would take her newborn photos which I love to do as a hobby and it was such a crazy experience but it brought back so many memories when Dallas was a baby mind you though the photoshoot was at my house and  Dallas was at home during the shoot who he had entertained my friend and her husband for a while It was pretty hard taking pictures while he was trying to help out applying pillows and giving the baby a blanket while she was posed on her belly or the banging of the toys waking the baby up but something that would have taken me a short time took a little while longer because of Dallas but its ok it was experience that I learned and now looking at my calm son sitting on the couch I cant really be going crazy on him considering he just wanted attention something I should be really prepared for come December because I know its only going to get worse and till then my job ...

Tantrums in public...

Tantrums.. Well to tell you the truth I still don't know how to handle tantrums in public that is today was one of those days where Dallas did not nap and it started off as a good day getting my baby his costume for my husbands trick or treat party and he was doing pretty good we did notice he got a bit emotional from time to time but then he would get excited when we reminded him that it was time to trick or treat at daddys work which made him really happy his aunts and cousin joined him as well which made the experience really fun and he was able to share that with his cousin who dressed as Tinkerbell  and we had Dallas dress up as a cop which he picked out himself we were totally looking at cute Disney costumes something more his age and he saw the police man and said I want it so we got it for him it was really cute on him plus it had muscles which made him look extra buff lol, but as I was saying as soon as we got to my husbands job he got a boost of energy and my son has n...

Playdates are a Must!!!...

We need Play Days to Survive and keep Sane! I started noticing after Dallas turned one that his energy was like no other, he was non stop and ready to run and had me on my feet all the time and  till this day he's a runner and its just not me on my feet its my husband, mom, mom n law, sisters n law its more like a group effort kind of thing and the help is greatly appreciated especially now because I am always so tired all the time. My grandma always yelled at me to take him to the park and let him run for a few hours and I was the first time mom that was like didn't want to because its dirty and on top of that I worked full time so on my days off I just wanted to relax and be with him and run errands kind of thing and when I reflect and think back on it.. that wasn't fair I mean I'm keeping  a toddler with the wiggles in the house all week and I bet he was just bored out of his mind which not only made me sad but look at the bigger picture here while your trying to ...

My Pregnancy with Baby Number 2..

Pregnancy with a toddler ... Now I will start off by saying my first pregnancy was a breeze for me, loved having my days where I could just take a nap when ever I wanted or just be lazy on the couch not having to get up for one second .. unless it was to eat or pee of course. This time around was a completely different ball game and don't get me wrong I am enjoying every minute of it I just never knew having a toddler along with it can make you feel so exhausted. I do mean that in the very best way possible though don't get me wrong I love including Dallas when "Baby brother" is kicking and when I read or sing or count to him he finds it funny and all though he might be to little to understand whats going on I feel its always best to just keep positive and happy about the baby I will admit I do get scared from time to time because there is always that one fear of Dallas feeling left out or me not spoiling my first baby anymore and the one thing I don't want...

How I Try And Keep Positive

I thought I would post something a little different because we are only human and with that comes challenges that we may not know how to face some days, and its always good to practice something amazing  daily. When I was 17 years old I remember watching an episode of Oprah and she had guest on her show talking about "The secret" also known as the law of attraction at the time my mom was all about it and I decided to do it with her and from then I learned how to use it toward many things we got books on it and my mom would highlight information in the book, and we would have these notebooks in the house with our goals listed and what we wanted for the next few months but honestly anyone could write down anything they want, you have to learn how to really "feel" for it and I will explain to you what that means later on. Now 28 years old I still practice it I know there is a lot of people out there who don't believe in it but this is what helps me keep everythi...

How my morning started...

"The unexpected".. So let me start off by saying Can I get an Hallelujah!!! for Saturday..Ya what the hell does that even mean anymore? When you have a toddler as crazy as mine I don't even know what sleeping in is, trips me out because my son can go to bed so late sometimes (yes sometimes I let my son nap late) which means bedtime at 12 am ugh I know but I need those naps too or some "Me" time where I can just relax and watch a show that's not Paw patrol or Peppa Pig. It really trips me out how toddlers can go to sleep late sometimes and wake up at seven thirty am! Like where does that energy come from mean while I'm half dead in my bed wondering what the hell is happening?!! Today was exactly that which probably was going to call for a crazy day so what do I do visit Mom and Dad!! So brief info on my son, my baby, my mamas boy and Crazy kid well that's him pretty much I have never known any kid with so much energy as much as mine I love my s...

This is me..Evelyn

INTRO: My name is Evelyn.. also known as "Mommy" ,"Mom" and  "Babe" but I'm glad you came across my page!(so exciting) so let me tell you a little bit about myself.. I am the oldest of three children I also am the only girl and a mamas girl I have two younger brothers who one was born with autism and is way bigger than me I call him my little big ass brother or destructo, you will see why in the future :) My youngest baby brother just graduated from high school and is babied by the world including myself.. But most importantly Me.. Myself??? Something amazing happened to me November 8,2014 ..well I became a mother. The moment Dallas was placed in my arms I couldn't be any happier I was still in shock, this baby was all mine...he came out of me??? (seriously though those were the thoughts going through my head) but besides that I was in Love, never had I felt anything so beautiful in my entire life the moment he was placed in my arms and foreve...